Hatsune Miku, officially code-named CV01, is a Vocaloid software voicebank developed by Crypton Future Media and its official mascot character, a 16-year-old girl with long, turquoise twintails. Miku's personification has been marketed as a virtual idol, and has performed at live virtual concerts onstage as an animated holographic projection (rear-cast projection on a specially coated glass screen).
Miku advocates for diversity, equality, and individual freedom. She is a viral sensation across nations, from North America, to Asia, to even Europe, and thus will have no problem with securing diplomatic treaties. She often tours across continents as well, meaning that she is well diversed in culture, a key characteristic of the diverse American population. According to Kazuhiro Sasao, one of Miku's key creators behind her voice, states that "Miku is a character that anyone can use to freely express themselves." She can be whatever you want to be, including a great leader of an equally great nation.