For some assistance in choosing the most appropriate domain name, I asked Tyler, my tablemate in class, to rate each name. According to him, Brushes2Go seems the most memorable and the most straight-forward of what the website offers. It offers custom brushes, and it offers a quick and easy process for you choose on the go. DigitalToolStudio is too long and can be easily forgettable and may be confused for other digital tool programs. CustomStudio is shorter and easier to remember but will be easily confused with other studio programs. It is also too similar to Clip Studio and may result in conflicting search results.
I like Brushes2Go because, other than the fact that it's the name I stuck with since the beginning, it is also easy to remember and defines what the website offers. Unlike the other domain names I came up with, it has no association with any other program or website. When I search "Brushes2Go", websites that appear are unrelated or simply do not exist. This eliminates competition.